The greatest places on the internet...
On this page you will find a few links to places we frequent on the internet. We highly recommend New Country Organics feed. Take a look at the picture below. No pellets or processed feed. And no soy! We get ours from a local supply store in Abingdon, VA called Wolf Farm Natural Elements. Click that link to go to their Facebook page and find out more about their little store and to get directions.
We have gotten chicks at the Rogersville Co-op and mainly now from Great customer service and healthy chicks. Along that line, if you are looking for exotic or hard to find chicks, check out Greenfire Farms. Check out chicken forums on places like Reddit, and refer to experts like Lisa Steele from Fresh Eggs Daily and the Chicken Chick.
Mother Earth News produces several informative magazines and we also recommend going to the yearly Mother Earth News Fair that happens regionally around the US. We go to the Asheville, NC fair every year and enjoy hearing the speakers and seeing other like-minded people.
Lastly, in our pilgrimage to wellness we got into essential oils and use them around the house and for all sorts of things. There are a ton of websites and information out there about numerous brands but we like Young Living. Do your homework and find what works for you. We'll be happy to answer any questions but we don't push the products, we just use them for our family and friends.
Thanks for visiting and let us know if you have any questions about our links or where we find information. We have many other sources of information as the internet is very vast but only wanted to list a few places to get you started!